Error: Design could not be found!
No design has been uploaded
Choose one of the indicated 3D areas.
No logo has been uploaded
Mark the link above completely, copy it to the clipboard (e.g. with Strg+C) and paste it into an e-mail, for example (e.g. with Strg+V).
When opening the link, the recipient sees the vehicle in the position that you adjusted as well as the background image and logo that you inserted. You may first of all open the created link in your browser to test. The link is active for 2 weeks.
Please ensure that the recipient has the recommended system requirements. CAR-3D is a real rendering, therefore a fast internet connection is recommended. We suggest Chrome or Firefox as browsers. CAR-3D is generally supported from the following browser versions: Chrome 48, Safari 9, Firefox 44, Android 47, Chrome for Android 47. Note: Internet Explorer cannot be recommended.
You should give the following information together with the link to the recipient: Before opening the link, please make sure that you have a permanent and fast internet connection. Before opening the link, please make sure that smartphones and tablets are in landscape orientation.